Hooray, we have received the highest award of the German Animal Welfare Association! "The animal shelter badge"


The animals' gratitude is the reward for the work

The Bremerhaven Animal Welfare Association with its animal shelter is a non-profit organisation. The organisation has been in existence since 1922 and has set itself the task of giving animals from Bremerhaven the attention that is unfortunately not always given to them.

We check animals in potentially poor conditions, take preventative action and take in animals that temporarily have no owner.

The animals are lovingly cared for at the Bremerhaven animal shelter. 

For reasons of better readability, the simultaneous use of the language forms male, female and diverse (m/f/d) is omitted. All personal designations apply equally to all genders.

Video series on buten un binnen

The year 2023 starts with a buten un binnen-video series.

Buten und binnen accompanies the staff of the animal shelter in their daily tasks, reports on their work as vets, the history of the animal shelter and how you can get involved as one of 50 walkers, as a cat carer or in the organisation team planning festivals and events.

Why don't you take a look?

100 years of animal welfare Bremerhaven e.V.

100 years is a reason to celebrate. It all began in 1922 with a stable for hoofed animals and a century later, our big dream is to be able to care for horses again when they are in need. We already have the stable. Now we need around 20,000 euros to build it. So if you would like to give the organisation a small birthday present, we would be delighted to receive a donation for the construction. It's best to do it now - then we might be able to turn lots of small gifts into one big present for the horses and other hoofed animals by the day of our foundation, 22 November.

Find out exactly who we are and what we do here.

Donations can of course also be made by bank transfer. You can find our bank details here.

We and our animals thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

How can we help/report an animal welfare case?
