Hooray, we have received the highest award of the German Animal Welfare Association! "The animal shelter badge"

Report animal abuse

Report animal welfare violations - even if you suspect them
Please don't look away! We want to prevent cruelty to animals!

If the conditions in an animal facility are worrying, the best way to report this case is to the responsible veterinary office. As an animal welfare organisation, we of course also accept every report. We work closely with the authorities and stand up for every animal.

Unwanted animals can be handed in to us at the shelter - we take in every protégé - regardless of age, previous history and condition of the animal.

Please state your name, address (including telephone number) and e-mail address when contacting us. Please provide as much information as possible about

- Location
- Time
- Nature of the incident
- Course of the incident
- affected animals and the pain, suffering or harm caused to them
- Persons involved and witnesses (if known)

We need your contact details in order to be able to process animal welfare cases. We often have queries that can be discussed most quickly by telephone. Of course we treat your data confidentially!

We can only help if people draw our attention to animal suffering.

With acute animal abuse please contact the Police under Tel. 0471 - 9 53 11 40.


How can we help/report an animal welfare case?
