Hooray, we have received the highest award of the German Animal Welfare Association! "The animal shelter badge"

Animal welfare counsellor

Animal welfare counsellor are people who are committed to animal welfare by inspecting animal facilities and ensuring compliance with legal regulations. They usually work on a voluntary basis on behalf of our animal welfare organisation.

Their tasks include checks as part of the placement of our animals. The aim is to establish whether the animal is being kept in a species-appropriate manner by the new owner and whether the conditions set out in the placement contract are being adhered to. In addition, animal welfare advisors follow up on indications of breaches of the Animal Welfare Act or animal welfare regulations. However, they do not have any sovereign powers and must therefore contact the responsible authorities (Veterinary officein urgent cases, contact the police).

The regional associations of the German Animal Welfare Association train animal welfare counsellors in seminars and issue a corresponding certificate of competence after a successful examination.

If you are interested, please contact us at the animal shelter on Tel: 0471 – 8 32 57. Outside our opening hours, you can leave a message on our answering machine. You will be called back immediately.
