Our animal shelter takes in around 600 animals every year. Many dogs, cats, rodents, birds, exotic and hoofed animals from our shelter are waiting for a new home.
We are delighted that you wish to adopt a new family member. We, the animal shelter team, will do everything possible to support you in your search so that our animals find a loving and suitable home.
This is a process and requires several meetings with the animal so that you can get to know it well. Our pet carers are on hand to advise you with their experience and expertise. Through this intensive support, we want to work with you to find out which animal is a good match for you (and which you are a good match for).
We only hand over our animals in return for a protection contract in which all agreements are recorded. As our animal shelter is financed almost exclusively by donations, we are forced to charge fees for the placement of an animal. These are far below the costs we actually incur.
Please bear in mind that animals already living in your household must be vaccinated before the new family member comes to live with you.
Please understand that it is not possible to book an animal by telephone or e-mail.
Please make sure you bring a valid identity card with you.
If you have to return one of our former protégés, please inform us immediately. The passing on of the animal to third parties is not permitted unless the Tierschutzverein Bremerhaven e. V. agrees.
If you have any questions about our animals, please contact us at the animal shelter on Tel. 0471 – 8 32 57. Outside our opening hours, you can leave a message on our answering machine. You will be called back immediately.