Hooray, we have received the highest award of the German Animal Welfare Association! "The animal shelter badge"

In an emergency

Do you have a medical emergency with your pet?

Keep calm so that you can take the right measures.

Below we have listed some addresses and telephone numbers where you can get help or veterinary advice quickly in an emergency.
In less urgent cases, your vet or nearby veterinary clinics will be able to help you during normal business hours.

Veterinary emergency service: 0172 - 6 51 12 48

Veterinary clinic Bremen: 0421 - 1 22 11

Posthausen veterinary clinic: 04297 - 16 89 90 

If you would like to bring a found animal to us, please call us during our business hours on Tel. 0471 - 8 32 57. You can leave a message on our answering machine and we will call you back the next day at the latest.

In urgent cases outside our business hours, please contact the Bremerhaven police under Tel. 0471 – 9 53 11 40. They will then contact our emergency service if necessary.
